Give Olly a smile!

Help Olly Onlus wants to fight this battle for Olivia and all the children who, like her, are affected by this disorder or by similar ones and that might benefit from this research and medical advancement. However, we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Olivia needs your help.

Help the project #teddies4olly

Donate a year of treatment to Olly!

The only way to save Olly is to immediately finance and support specific scientific research dedicated to her pathology, which, over the course of a year, costs over 100 thousand euros!

Help us and support the fundraising efforts #Teddies4Olly to provide a future to little Olivia.

Find out how you can help us…

You can support the Help Olly Onlus Association and Olivia with a donation and by helping us to propagate her story.

Find out what we can do together↓

Bank Transfer

Banca Reale di Torino

Direct to:
Associazione Help Olly Onlus
CF. 97855900011

Paypal or Credit Cards

Click on the following link to make a donation, using the appropriate Paypal form.

What will we do toghether?

The research process to find a treatmentrequires a lot of time and resources. Together with you, we plan to fund research programs aimed to:

  • Identify the mechanisms underlying the disease
  • Find a do able therapeutic strategy
  • Test therapies on Olivia and on all the children that might benefit of them
  • Enhance Olivia’s quality of life

Olivia will smile thanks to you, too!

Help Olly Onlus

Our Association is an apolitical, non-denominational, non-profit institute, that only pursues social solidarity purposes in the fields of social and health assistance and charity. The Association promotes fundraising activities for subjects affected by spastic paralysis inall its forms. The fundraising purpose is to support research projects conducted by Universities, Foundations, public and private entities in Italy and abroad and to support people affected by this disease and their families.

Write to us for more details…

    © Copyright - Associazione HELP OLLY Onlus | Via Sant'Anselmo 21, 10125 Torino, IT | C.F. 97855900011
    Privacy Policy | web: Housedada